Entropic Thoughts

Difficult Questions From Children

Difficult Questions From Children

For some time now, my son has been asking “Why?” questions. I love it.1 At least I try very hard to love it. My father was patient with my why questions, and I believe this imbued in me the idea that one can figure out anything, if one just tries hard enough. Sometimes his questions are difficult to answer, and not in the way I had expected. Here are two examples.

After hearing quite a few of these types of questions3 Another is “Why is no lamp lit in that apartment over there?”, or “Why is that car not blue?”, I have picked up on what makes them difficult. My son is imagining a specific alternative way for things to be, and wants to know why it’s not that way. Conditional on the information we have, there are simply so many alternative ways for things to be that trying to explain why it’s not the way he imagines reminds me of trying to explain entropy – difficult even when speaking with adults!

I still love it. But I also still don’t know how to answer.