Entropic Thoughts

Selective Delays in SPARK and Ravenscar

Selective Delays in SPARK and Ravenscar

A “selective delay” in Ada is a concurrency idiom where a task can wait for a message to be received, but then abort the wait and perform some other action if a certain time has passed while waiting. So basically “receive a message with a timeout”. When you enable spark (and consequently the Ravenscar concurrency restrictions) this is not allowed anymore because it uses features that count as “unsafe”.

We saw a variant of this selective delay in a previous article, and you can view this one as a more advanced continuation of that concept. This article is also more well written, so you may just want to read this instead.

I’ll describe a safer version shortly, but first, here’s how it’s often done in standard Ada 2012.

Ada 2012, No Restrictions


Figure 1: Illustration of our safety system

We’re looking for something along the lines of the image here. In order to get it, let’s jump straight into the code, and I’ll explain it as we go along.

with Nuclear_Reactors; use Nuclear_Reactors;

package Nuclear_System is

We have a package Nuclear_System which is a mission-critical piece of some hardware we’re building.

type Nuclear_Reaction is (Stable, Uncontrolled);

This is a type representing some sort of events which can happen in our system.

task Reaction_Monitor;

We have one task that monitors our physical system and emits the above events as soon as they are available. This may be at irregular intervals, so the time that passes between two events may be anything from 0 to infinity. If it takes longer than 2 seconds to get an update, though, something could be very wrong (like the reactor has burnt up and taken with it the monitor).

task Safety_System is
   entry Current_Status (Status : Nuclear_Reaction);
end Safety_System;

This is a separate task that receives these events and takes proper action depending on what they are. This includes reacting if too long has passed since the last update.

end Nuclear_System;

package body Nuclear_System is

That’s all for the spec, so let’s see what the implementation looks like.

task body Reaction_Monitor is
      delay Random_Duration;
      Safety_System.Current_Status (Stable);
   end loop;
end Reaction_Monitor;

The “monitor hardware” in our system is a task that waits for a random amount of time (Random_Duration is a magic function that returns a random duration between zero and three seconds every call). When that amount of time has passed, it sends a “nuclear reaction is Stable” message to the Safety_System.

task body Safety_System is
         accept Current_Status
           (Status : Nuclear_Reaction)
            case Status is
              when Stable =>
              when Uncontrolled =>
            end case;
         end Current_Status;
         delay 2.0;
      end select;
   end loop;
end Safety_System;

The Safety_System is the more interesting bit. In a continuous loop, at each iteration it waits to receive an entry call to Current_Status. If it’s received, it inspects the status and performs the appropriate action:

  1. If the reaction status is Stable, nothing needs to be done.
  2. If the reaction status is Uncontrolled, we initiate a graceful shut down of the reactors.
  3. If two seconds have passed since the last status message, we assume the worst and initiate an emergency stop of the reactors to ensure no disaster occurs.
end Nuclear_System;

That’s the entire package!

SPARK 2014 (with Ravenscar)

Since we’re interested in expanding our operation beyond the bathtub experiments we have made, we need to comply with local regulations when it comes to nuclear activities. As it turns out, our local authorities require us to write the controlling software in spark to ensure the lives of our children.

Saying that something is “in spark” is really just a fancy way of saying “using the subset of Ada 2012 that the spark tools can prove”, so translating our Ada 2012 program shouldn’t be too hard, and we can do it piece by piece.

There are some things we need to consider when we rewrite our package in spark. The primary limitations we’ll encounter lie in Ravenscar, which is a set of restrictions on concurrency in Ada with the goal of making the result of programs more predictable and avoiding typical common errors in concurrent code.

For example, in our spark code we are no longer allowed to have select statements, which means tasks can only wait for one message at a time. We can’t use relative delays either – we have to specify a specific point in time when the code should resume. We can’t have side-effects in functions and expressions.

This touches on basically all the things we used in our initial architecture, so we have to come up with an alternative architecture. The basic idea consists of three things:


Figure 2: The safety system in spark

  1. We keep the Reaction_Monitor task. It continuously monitors the reaction and pipes status messages into the Safety_System just like before.
  2. We change the Safety_System from being a task to being a protected object (essentially an object which only one other process can update at a time.)
  3. Since we loose the “real-timeyness” of Safety_System, we also include a little Timer task whose only responsibility it is to activate Safety_System after X amount of time has passed.

This is the result!

pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy (Sequential);
pragma Profile (Ravenscar);

with Ada.Real_Time;
with Nuclear_Reactors; use Nuclear_Reactors;

The pragmas set a sequential elaboration policy and enable the Ravenscar profile to reduce concurrency issues, which is required in spark code.

package Nuclear_System with SPARK_Mode is
   package RT renames Ada.Real_Time;
   use type RT.Time;

The Nuclear_System is in spark, so we specify that with the SPARK_Mode aspect. Since spark prohibits relative delays, we need a way to specify an absolute time at which the process should wake up again. We’ll do this with the Ada.Real_Time library.

task Reaction_Monitor;

type Nuclear_Reaction is (Stable, Uncontrolled);

The Reaction_Monitor task is unchanged from before, as is the status message type.

protected Safety_System is

The Safety_System is a protected object this time.

procedure Current_Status
  (Status : Nuclear_Reaction)
   with Global =>
     (Input => RT.Clock_Time,
      In_Out => Nuclear_Reactors);

This is required information, and it’s telling spark that the result of the Current_Status procedure may depend on the wall clock time (which is true – the new Deadline is calculated based on the current time), and that it may affect the Nuclear_Reactors too (which is also true – we may shut them down if the reaction is out of control.)

The benefit of specifying this information is twofold: First, it tells other programmers that they can expect different results from this procedure if it is called at different points in time. Second: if we accidentally shut down the reactors in a procedure that isn’t supposed to, spark will throw an error message saying “hey this procedure can affect Nuclear_Reactors and you haven’t told me it should!”

   entry Get_Deadline (Time : out RT.Time);
   procedure Timeout
      with Global =>
        (Input => RT.Clock_Time,
         In_Out => Nuclear_Reactors);
   Deadline : RT.Time := RT.Time_First;
   Timer_Active : Boolean := False;
end Safety_System;

We need to define legal values for all variables in protected objects for our code to be valid spark. This avoids problems of accidentally reading variables before they are defined.

task Timer
   with Global =>
     (Input => RT.Clock_Time,
      In_Out => Nuclear_Reactors);

This is the Timer task. The purpose of this will be more clear when you see the implementation. The Timer task will not directly infuence the Nuclear_Reactors, but it will make calls into the Safety_System that do.

end Nuclear_System;

package body Nuclear_System with SPARK_Mode is

So what does the code for these things look like? Well for one, the body of our package is also in spark. We have to specify this separately, because we can have just the package spec in spark, with the weaker guarantees that imply.

task body Reaction_Monitor is
      delay until Random_Wait;
      Safety_System.Current_Status (Stable);
   end loop;
end Reaction_Monitor;

Well, the monitor task is basically the same as before. This magic Random_Wait function is not legal spark code, but since it’s only part of our model and not our real nuclear system that’s okay.

task body Timer is
   Deadline : RT.Time;
      Safety_System.Get_Deadline (Deadline);
      delay until Deadline;
   end loop;
end Timer;

This is all the Timer task does. It gets the latest deadline from the safety system, it delays until that time, and then wakes the safety system up to ensure something happens if there have been no status updates in the expected time.

You can read that as “Hey, when should I remind you?” “At 8:12, please” …time passes… “Okay it’s now 8:12, and you wanted me to remind you”.

protected body Safety_System is
   procedure Current_Status
     (Status : Nuclear_Reaction)
      Current_Time : RT.Time := RT.Clock;
      Deadline := Current_Time + RT.Seconds (2);
      Timer_Active := True;
      case Status is
         when Stable =>
         when Uncontrolled =>
      end case;
   end Current_Status;

When the Current_Status procedure is called, it’s because a message has been received, so every time that happens we set the deadline for the next message to whatever the current time is plus two seconds. We also set Timer_Active to true, and you’ll see why shortly.

Then we handle the message the same way as before.

entry Get_Deadline
  (Time : out RT.Time)
when Timer_Active
is begin
   Time := Deadline;
end Get_Deadline;

This is why we had the Timer_Active variable. The Get_Deadline call will block until Timer_Active is true, which means the Timer task will not keep track of time needlessly – only when it’s asked to do so.

We could make Timer_Active a function that checks if RT.Clock < Deadline. Either way works. You can also specify spark assertions that ensure the two formulations never differ.

      procedure Timeout is
         Current_Time : RT.Time := RT.Clock;
         if Current_Time >= Deadline then
            Timer_Active := False;
         end if;
      end Timeout;
   end Safety_System;
end Nuclear_System;

At this point, a call to the Timeout procedure does not guarantee an actual timeout has happened, because the Deadline may have been updated since we started the timer. This is not a big problem, though. We just check if the deadline has actually passed, and if so take the proper action. If not, the timer will go on to get the new value for Deadline and count down to that instead. This works because the Deadline will only ever grow larger; it will never decrease. Obviously, we should write spark predicates and prove that this is indeed the case.


The reason I’m writing this article to begin with is that I faced this exact problem; I had a selective delay based message accept timeout, and I wanted to write that code in spark. There are some mentions of the problem on the basic Google searches, but no complete solution. So here it is, for anyone in the future with the same problem.

I realise now that this article might double as a really bad advertisement for spark; we had to change a lot of code to make it legal spark. Normally, getting started with spark is much easier. If you’re careful about it, you can sparkify only small parts of your code base at a time. The reason it looks complicated in this article is because the program I started out with basically consisted of 100% illegal spark code. That’s not representative of a normal application.

Maybe “look how easy it is to introduce spark in existing projects” is a separate article, but I can’t promise anything.