Entropic Thoughts




Code Reviews Do Find Bugs

Python Programmers’ Experience

Types as Interfaces

Bubble Sort Is Not Robust Either

Sample Unit Engineering

My Most Complicated Prompt So Far

Why Story Points Don’t Work

The Vindication of Bubble Sort

Traffic Flow Fundamentals Flashcards

ACX 2024 Prediction Contest Halfway Review

q What do I title this article?

Student Resampled His t Distribution

Launching a Much-Requested Newsletter

Entropic Thoughts: New Name for Two-Wrongs

Publish Your Observations!

Washing Machine Energy Estimations

Continuous Kelly Trainer: Ship Investor 2

Binary Kelly Trainer: Ship Investor Game

Map of Pontypandy in Fireman Sam

Troubles In Solving Uno

Keep a Safe Following Distance

Neat Inventions

Getting Better at Counter-Strike

Failing at Combinatorics with Haskell

Inventing Fisher’s Exact Test

Fermi, Majorana and Mental Maths

Generating Almost Normally Distributed Values

Forecasting ADIZ Violations

When Is a Counter-Strike Player Good?

Why Donate to Charity

Free Banking Monopoly

The Parking Lot Drill

Browser-Based XmR Charts

Quarterly Cup 2024 Q1 Retrospective

Programming Apprenticeships

Laws of Software Evolution

Intrusive Unit Testing

Extreme Value Statistical Process Control

Deliberate Abstraction

Common Mistakes in Modularisation

Useful Uses of cat

The Curse of Capital Management

Static Actor–Motivation Forecasting: Peace in Middle East

Software and Orders of Magnitude

War – What is it Good For?

SI Units for Request Rate

.NET on Linux: What a Contrast

Steady-State Actor–Motivation Forecasting

Markets vs. Politics and Organisational Structure

Improving a Gut Feeling Forecast

Quarterly Cup 2023 Q4 Retrospective

Outlier Detection

Estimating Standard Deviation From Timeseries

John the Toolmaker

First Impressions of Manifold

Know Your Uncertainty

Lessons From Evolution

System Observability: Metrics, Sampling, and Tracing

Bet On the Outcome of the Poker Experiment!

Binary Finger Counting

Computing Poker Win Rate From Sessions

Poker is Surprisingly Generous

How Not To Collect Data

Huffman Codes – How Do They Work?

Typing Fast Is About Latency, Not Throughput

Forecasting Mistakes: Dow Jones Barrier

FlowRatio: Work Sampling Made Easy

The Expressivity Limitations of Object-Oriented Programming

The Hypothesis of the Fair Coin

Sensitivity Counts Against You

Retrospective: Metaculus Quarterly Cup

Intuition and Spaced Repetition

Custom TCP Test Harness in Perl

The Misunderstood Kelly Criterion

Relevance Under Uncertainty

Okay, Microservices Have Benefits Too

Getting Used To Microservices

Update On Antarctic Sea Ice

Response Time Is the System Talking

The Compound Poisson Process

It Takes Long to Become Gaussian

Forecasting Covid-19 Variants

Trying A More Vanilla Fedora

Reducing Measurement Error

Optimise the Expensive First

Statistician’s Time Series Hack

Fun With Watercolours

Forecasting Antarctic Sea Ice

Retrospective Prompts

Black Swans in a Permacrisis

Maximum of Two Dice

Limited Investment With Timeboxing

Forecasting Accuracy

First Impressions of Metaculus

A3: Avoid Memos With An Agenda

Word Embeddings in Perl: Baby Steps

Tindall On Software Delays

Latent Semantic Analysis in Perl

Handoff Waste and Taylorism

Scales of Plan-Driven Development

Parallel Agile: Interesting Idea – Does It Work?

Why Perl?

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Conditional Probabilities

Reading Slightly More Incrementally

Event Sourcing and Microservices – Unix Style

Painting Shapes, Not Details

Who Was On The Winning Team?

Abduction is Not Induction

Learning Some Logarithms

Precel: Like Excel but for Uncertain Values

Early Adventures in Spaced Repetition

Birthday Line Puzzle

What Is Probability?

Update On the Sidescrolling Flight Simulator

Sidescrolling Flight Simulator

Mind the Gap When Learning

Difficult Questions From Children

Data Consistency Is Overrated

Validate Your Skill

Frequentism And False Dichotomies

Historic Mistakes: Carriers And Presses

The Secret of Meritocracy

The Reinforcing Nature of Toil

Three Customers In A Bank

Share Buybacks Are Indirect Investments

Central Banks Do Not Rule By Decree

Stop Saying “Junior” And “Senior”

Emptying the Dishwasher With Systems Theory

Evolution Preserves the Status Quo

Confusing Uncertainty For Information

Predicting Resource Usage From Increased Traffic

You Can (Somewhat) Reliably Measure Change Failure Rate

Hovering a Helicopter

Verifiable Software Development Estimations

Programmers and Non-Coding Work

Sampling For Managers

Statistical Process Control: A Practitioner’s Guide

Queueing Systems 2: Percentiles and Simulation

Markov Chains for Queueing Systems

Bootstrapping Kaplan–Meier Survival Curves

Long Hiatus: Emacs Upgrades

Dichotomisation Destroys Data

Poor Man’s Logistic Regression

Quick Variance Computation

Group Decision-Making and Debate

Default To Large Modules

Estimating Work Lag

Reading Notes: Accelerated Expertise

Trading Functionality For Time

Screenwriting and Software Development

The Hidden Cost of Heroics

Reuse Begets Coupling

Bayes Rule in Odds Form

Problem, Learning, and Information

Build vs. Buy

Guess ≠ Prediction ≠ Bet

Survival Analysis For Customer Retention

Essay Recommendation: On Having Enough Socks

Centered Cursor Mode in Vanilla Emacs

Emacs Calc – Evaluate Expression For Multiple Values

Standard Exception Hierarchy in .NET Core

.NET on Non-Windows Platforms: A Brief History

Code Review Checklist, Second Edition

Debugging Common Lisp in Slime

Purely Functional AVL Trees in Common Lisp

Technical Writing: Learning from Kernighan

Update Bound Data Without Replacing It in D3

Intuition around NP-Hard and NP-Complete

The Expressive Ada 2012 Challenge

Matrix Is Everything I Want IRC To Be

Computing Science Dictionary

Blogging With R and ggplot2 in Org

Top-down vs Bottom-up Programming

Migrating Away From Use-Package

Swedish Colemak Hack

A Gentle Introduction to Monad Transformers

Emacs Magic: Simple Pastebin

Ceasing Short-Lived Maintenance of Emacs Versor

Withdrawn: False Alarm About the TP300LA

Asus TP300LA After Three Years: Battery Trouble

Grep, sed and awk – The Right Tool For The Job

The AWK State Machine Parser Pattern

Pet Peeve: Tea, Tannins and Strength

Why You Should Buy Into the Emacs Platform

Reading Notes: Understanding Nginx Location Selection

Variable Width Unicode Fallback Fonts in Emacs

Reasons To Like Stockholm: Water

Emacs Calendar with Fixed Width Font

Touchpad Pointer Speed in Xorg on Debian Linux

Display Backlight Keys on TP300LA

Emacs for Humans: Glossary

New and Improved: Two-Wrongs Now Powered By Org Mode

Migrating From iptables To nftables – Link Collection

Temporarily Disabling iptables

Passwordless sudo

On Competing with C Using Haskell

Sensor and Controller Chip in “Roxcore 720p” Action Camera

Extendable Data in Haskell (part 2)

Dynamic Dispatch in Haskell, or: How Can I Make My Code Extendable?

Bayesian Statistics

Pairing Debian Laptop with Bluetooth Headphones

Reading Notes: Guide for Ravenscar in High Integrity Systems

Securing a Debian Laptop with a Firewall

Secure DNS on Laptop with Debian

Selective Delays in SPARK and Ravenscar

Unicode Strings in Ada 2012

Timeout Blocking Requests in Ada

Guessing Game: Ada Style!

Intuition for Time Complexity of Algorithms

Basic Firewall Configuration (iptables)

Basic Computer Security: Things I Want to Explore

My Experience Using Yesod for a “Quick Hack”

Current Email Solution: gpg-agent, cron, OfflineIMAP, Notmuch, Alot, Vim and msmtp

Rethinking Text Input on Touch Screens

Pomohoro: Combine the Pomodoro Technique with hledger and Timeclock for Productivity

Fallback Font, Good Fonts and a General Font Recommendation

Fake Bold Small Caps in XeLaTeX with Fontspec

Connecting to KTH Eduroam on Debian Stretch

Why Cyclists Use Public Roads

Starting to Commute by Bicycle

rtorrent missing from Homebrew on El Capitan

Gmail Passwords Trusted, Yet Not Trusted

The Weekly Pure Bullet Journal


Is Learning Shorthand for Personal Note-taking Worth It?

Learning to Say No to Myself

Systemet i Melins system

A Checklist for Renewing GPG Subkeys

Melins system, övning och demonstration

Why I’m Learning Shorthand

A Maze of Storage Cages

The Bug in the Physical Building

Parser Combinators: Parsing for Haskell Beginners

Using withPtr From inline-c in Haskell

Darkroom Chemistry and Photograms

Bubble Sort: Not Even Once

On Escape Meta Alt Control Shift

The Joy of Manipulation

A Haskell Time Library Tutorial

The Touchpad On the Asus TP300LA

Redirect Every Subdomain to the Same Subdomain on a Different Host with Nginx

Static Generation with Haskell

Statically Generated Blog

The Case for Controlled Side Effects

The Mystery of the Deterministic Super Shotgun

Web Scraping with Lenses

How Laziness Works

Developing B&W Film at Home

IMAP/SMTP port numbers for Google mail

Monospaced Code Formatting in Skype

Parser Combinators

RecordMyDesktop Videos Going out of Sync

Does My DSLR Have Dead Pixels?

Fast SQL for Inheritance in a Django Hierarchy

Documentation: Reference Manual vs. Cookbook

Why Web Apps Disappoint Me

The Case for Shooting in Manual Mode

How Much Does an Experienced Programmer Use Google

Painting with Light

The “What Are Monads?” Fallacy

A Year of Baduk

An Update a Week Keeps the Hackers Away

Debian Linux On the Asus TP300LA, Bad News #1

Move Translations Between Django Apps

Text Selection Behaves as Swipe in WeeChat

Reasons to Know Vim – It’s Similar to ed

Debian Linux On My Asus Transformer Book Flip (TP300LA)

Myth of the Day: Functional Programmers Don’t Use Loops

Discoverability of Functions in Functional Languages

Resize Video While Keeping Quality High with FFmpeg

What Optimisations Are Not

Why Code Review Matters: Suble (Often Non-Breaking) Bugs

Custom Surrounding Text with surround.vim

Draw a Tree Structure With Only CSS

Say What You Mean, Not What Happens to Work

Email Quoting with Vim Visual Block Mode

Calculator in Spotlight Not Doing Simple Arithmetic?

Crash-Only Software on the Desktop, Please